Here are the answers to some questions we’re often asked. If your question isn’t here, please contact us!
Yes! We always wear original 1930s/1940s clothing or very high quality reproductions.
We dance the Lindy Hop. The Lindy Hop is the original authentic big band dance style, which both evolved from and incorporates Charleston. It can be fast and crazy or slow and romantic!
Jeep Jump Jive is Justin and Kara. Our base fee for music and dancing includes the two of us. Additional dancers can be provided by arrangement. If you take a look at our case studies you will see events where we've performed as a duo or as part of a larger group.
By display dancing we mean that we are mainly social dancing, but in a way that is conscious of the audience.
Social dancing, as you might expect, is improvised dancing and is a natural and authentic way to see 1940s partnered dancing.
Think of when you're on a dance floor, maybe you're facing the front, maybe you're facing the DJ, or maybe you and your friends are all dancing in one corner of the floor leaving the rest of it empty.
We are dancing for an audience, we will be trying to face them while dancing and we're always aware of photographers and people filming us - putting in the flashier moves and doing our best to get them some great dancing shots!
The majority of what we do at events is 'display dancing' (see previous Q&A). so we are trying to be engaged and 'performing' for an audience at all times.
We can also perform set routines. If we're not dancing to a particular schedule we might drop these in when we see we have a good-sized crowd, otherwise they can be scheduled to enable you to advertise the timings.
Authentic 1930s-1940s music, plus swing music from other decades where requested/if appropriate for the event. Take a look at our 'Event DJ' page (under 'Event Hire') for lots more information about our music and sample playlists.
The most important thing for us to say, is if you hire us for a 1940s event you will hear the music that was played in the 1940s. We will not play modern 'soundalike' versions or mix in music from the 50s/60s. We pride ourselves on getting it right.
We play pre-recorded music, the original recordings, not modern versions (unless requested).
Unfortunately it would be unpractical for us to use a real record player due to often unpleasant weather conditions, the duration of time that we play for (we'd need to carry over 100 records!) and because we are so busy dancing/talking to the public we couldn't possibly be changing records over every few minutes.
Yes and no! We used a modern/digital sound system, hidden within an original 1930s radio. This enables us to provide a huge range of music for events and at the volume you would expect/need for an outdoor venue.
Our price is determined by how many hours/days we are needed and your location.
We are based in South-West Hertfordshire and regularly travel to events around Hertforshire, London, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
We also travel across England for vintage, public or corporate events.
Of course! Most of the events we participate in are two or three-day events.
Depending on your location we will either return to base each evening, or require a secure overnight location to store the Jeep in.
We are completely mobile and have a flexible setup to suit different events. For example:
- Indoor events with our Jeep and/or trailer where there is a double-door opening and enough room to maneuver into position.
- Indoor events without our Jeep, using either our radio and sound system, or your own.
- Events where you provide the music and we provide the dancing.