Restoration – Stage Four

Repairing the tub.

The engine was installed and painted. Then work began on the body tub. There was a rust hole in the scuttle panel which had to be removed.

Jeep Jump Jive - Restoration of our WW2 1942 Ford Willys Jeep


The extent of some of the old repairs meant that some of the panels had to be replaced.

Jeep Jump Jive - Restoration of our WW2 1942 Ford Willys Jeep


Norm and Paul cut out old wheel arch wells and replaced with new.

Jeep Jump Jive - Restoration of our WW2 1942 Ford Willys Jeep


A lot of the dents and damage were removed by panel beating.

Jeep Jump Jive - Restoration of our WW2 1942 Ford Willys Jeep


Click here for Stage Five – Paintwork
or back to Stage Three